100% Matching Funds for Video Production
$19,281 TDTD Investment
$19,281 TN Partner Investment
(Limit of four per year on a first-come-first-serve basis)
Create video for your brand pillars or specific interest groups
Popular Packages
(1) Brand video 1:00-1:30
(20) Short-form videos
(1) TV ad (:30)
(1) Brand video 1:00-1:30
(4) Pre-roll ads/social videos
Packages include:
Choice of 2-day shoot with real people as talent OR 1-day shoot with 4 actors
(2) Digital cinema-quality cameras
High-quality audio
Professional hair and make-up
3 locations within your DMO or attraction each day. Adjacent sites are easy to include.
Discovery Park of America
Visit Wilson County
"We were thrilled to partner with New South Creative who effectively managed all of the details."
-- Michelle Dickerson, Visit Clarksville

To secure your co-op package, contact:
Brian Wagner